Gastro appointment fail

Last week I had my Gastroenterology Appointment at the hospital. This was way over due because for unknown reasons I received two appointment cancellations by post and then each time I had to be put back on the waiting list. Yeah that’s right, no skipping that appointment queue even when you have already been at…

A little more personal…

Hello, Happy hump day! I hope your week is going well and that you are feeling full of positive vibes & blue skies. I have had a pretty tough last 7 days, but hoping this current flare will move swiftly on! I decided it would be insightful to update you on some of my personal/home…

I’m Back!

HELLO! It makes me so happy to be finally sitting here and writing a blog post after what has been way too long of an absence! Firstly, I am so sorry for the radio silence, it literally feels like forever! What was meant to be a mini blogging break turned into 3 years of no…

UVLrx – Let there be light!

Whilst I was in California accessing intravenous antibiotics, I also tried various other alternative treatments. One of which was an 8 week course of UVLrx. This is a new cutting edge treatment for infection and virus load and is getting great results for patients with Chronic Lyme. Ideally it would have been more beneficial for…

I made it home…finally!

Back in November last year (2015), it was finally time to head back the UK after a long 8 months in California having intensive medical treatment for this Chronic and life alliterating  illness; Lyme Disease. Packing was a mission to say the least, with approximately 20 kg of Medication and IV supplies! There were spreadsheets,…

Part 2… Parasites, Porphyria & Osteopenia

Hello again! Following on from my last post, I continue to update you on the highs and lows of treatment with Lyme disease and its many consequences and complications! Over the course of my stay here, I have had to consult a new doctor at the clinic due to my increasing problems and complications. I…

Part 1… Treatment Update from California

As you know my current predicament with Chronic Lyme Disease has brought me back to California earlier this year (March 2015) and I can’t believe I am still here! Yes thats right, just over 6 months in this sunny side of the world. It is still very surreal and sometimes I literally sit and say…

My Fight For Remission Continues…

It has been 3 months since I arrived in California and began round 2 of magic medicine. I can’t believe I am still here or how quickly time has gone! I had originally booked a return flight for the middle of May, but as time crept up, reality kicked in… I still needed more medicine…


Two days after arriving in California I headed to the hospital to get a PICC Line inserted. A PICC is a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter. It is a thin tube which is inserted into a large vein in the upper arm and this is then threaded into another vein that leads to the heart. The…